

Oral presentation

[WC] Silicon Integration 2

2022年10月19日(水) 13:45 〜 15:10 International Conference Hall (3F)

Session Chairs: Di Liang(Alibaba Group US), Nobuhiko Nishiyama(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

13:45 〜 14:10

[WC-01(Upgraded Invited)] Electrically Pumped Quantum-Dot Lasers Grown on CMOS-Compatible 300 mm Si Wafers

*Kaiyin Feng1, Chen Shang2, Eamonn Hughes2, Rosalyn Koscica2, Andrew Clark3, Mukul Debnath3, Gerald Leake4, David Harame4, Peter Ludewig5, John Bowers1,2 (1. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States of America), 2. Materials Dept., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States of America), 3. IQE, Inc. (United States of America), 4. RF SUNY Polytechnic Inst. (United States of America), 5. NAsP_III/V GmbH (Germany))

Presentation style: Online

キーワード:Quantum dot lasers, Semiconductor lasers, Silicon compatible lasers