34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science & 12th Nano-Satellite Symposium(ISTS2023)


Oral Session

r) Space Environment and Debris

[r-3] Space debris, Re-entry, Reuse, ADR

2023年6月9日(金) 09:00 〜 10:40 The large Meeting Room 3 5F (The large Meeting Room 3 5F)

Takanobu Muranaka (Chukyo University), Hiroshi Hirayama (Akita University)

10:00 〜 10:20

[2023-r-14] Design of a Variable Stiffness Soft Gripper for On-orbit Grasping of Tumbling Objects

*Alfredo Puente-Flores1, Hirohisa Kojima1, Sajjad Keshtkar1, Armando Roman-Flores2 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2. Tecnologico de Monterrey)

キーワード:Soft Robotics, Soft Gripper, Stiffness variability, Metastructures