



2021年9月17日(金) 14:00 〜 16:45 Zoom Session 1

座長:中村 佳博(産総研)、遠藤 俊祐(島根大学)

14:15 〜 14:30

[R8-08] Mixing and fluid-related processes in the slab-mantle interface during incipient subduction: records from the Dalrymple Amphibolite, Philippines

[Presentation award entry]

*Gabriel Theophilus Vinalay Valera1, Tetsuo Kawakami1, Betchaida Duetes Payot2 (1. Kyoto Univ., 2. Univ. of the Philippines)

キーワード:slab-mantle interface, fluid infiltration, Dalrymple Amphibolite

The slab-mantle interface separates the downgoing slab from the mantle wedge in arcs. This shear zone is the locus of complex mechanical and fluid-related processes which control the chemistry of fluids and/or melts passing through. During incipient subduction, the slab-mantle interface is sometimes preserved at the base of the ophiolite as a high grade metamorphic sequence. In this study, we present the petrographic and geochemical signatures of the Dalrymple Amphibolite, a mélange sequence which occur at the base of the Palawan Ophiolite, Philippines.