


[IS] 国際シンポジウム

2024年9月19日(木) 13:00 〜 17:20 R会場 (全学教育推進機構講義B棟1階大講義室)

座長:Jian-Feng Nie (Monash University), Soya Nishimoto (Kumamoto University)、Xianhua Chen (Chongqing University), Koji Hagihara (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

15:45 〜 16:15

[IS9] Direct Energy Deposition of Magnesium Alloys

Robert Wilson1, Haopeng Shen1, Mingshi Song1, Christoph Hartmann1,2, Ling Chen1, Geoff DeLooze1, Kishore Venkatesan1, Kun Yang1, Kazuki Takashima3, *Daniel East1 (1. CSIRO Manufacturing Research Unit、2. Fraunhofer Research Institution for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology、3. International Research Organization for Advanced Science and Technology (IROAST), Kumamoto University)

キーワード:Direct Energy Depostion、Ultrasound

this talk will outline the use of Direct energy deposition to produce samples via additive manufacturing and the use of ultrasound to control defect formation

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