
About application for presentation and attendee

Please refer to the following notice.

How to participate in the Meeting.

Registration for Annual Meeting

 Registration of presentation
  Application period for presentation :
         General Session, Symposium, JIMM-ISIJ Jointsession,Poster Session
           : From May 27 to July 5, 5 pm,2024 (closed)

 Application period for attendee
   Early Bird Registration: From May 27 to August 30, 2024.
   Late and On-site Registration: From September 6, to September 25.

 Registration site: https://www.jim.or.jp/convention/2024autumn/ 

    Event day: September 18,2024 from 6:30 p.m. to  8:30 p.m.
      Venue:Senrihankyu Hotel (West 2F "Senjyu")
      Entry fee: JPY10,000(reservation)
                      JPY:5,000(companion who is a spouse)
      Reservation application deadline:.August 23,2024
      Detail Information(in Japanese PDF)