


8.構造材料 » 耐熱材料

[G] 耐熱材料

2024年9月20日(金) 09:00 〜 11:45 M会場 (全学教育推進機構講義B棟2階B208)

座長:井田 駿太郎(東北大学)、寺田 芳弘(東京工業大学)

11:30 〜 11:45

[330] The effect of Re and Ru on phase equilibria and high temperature deformation of
Nb-Si-based alloys

*Sae MATSUNAGA1, Yosuke TAKAYANAGI1, Yoko Yamabe-Mitarai1 (1. The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Science)

キーワード:Refractory metals、high temperature deformation、Phase equilibrium

we introduced Re and Ru into the Nb-Si-Zr system to further strengthen the solid solution Nb matrix. Their effect on microstructure, phase stability, and high temperature strength will be discussed.

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