11:00 〜 11:15
[AOS13-08] Nitrogen isotope mapping in the North Pacific using a marine nitrogen isotope model
Understanding the special distribution of nitrogen isotope composition (δ15N) of phytoplankton in the surface ocean is useful for uncovering the life histories of marine organisms including fish. The δ15N of phenylalanine (one of the “source” amino acids) of fish tissues inherits the δ15N of phytoplankton where the fish grew up. Recently, Vane et al. (2018) determined δ15N of amino acids in otoliths and showed that otoliths preserved a record of the δ15N of phytoplankton over the lifetime of individual fish. Moreover, Matsubayashi et al. (2020) determined time-series δ15N of amino acids in vertebra centra and successfully tracked a migration of chum salmon. Thus, the reconstruction of the temporal variations of δ15N of amino acids from various fish tissues has made remarkable progress. However, there is as yet no accurate δ15N map of phytoplankton due to observational heterogeneity, and it prevents improvement in the accuracy of migratory route estimation. In this study, we made a δ15N map of phytoplankton in the North Pacific by using a global ocean nitrogen isotope model. We installed a marine nitrogen isotope model (Yoshikawa et al., 2005) with denitrification (Shigemitsu et al., 2016) and N2 fixation (Coles et al., 2007) schemes into an off-line biogeochemical model that is driven by climatological monthly mean physical fields obtained from the outputs of a preindustrial control simulation performed with MIROC 3.2 (K-1 Model Developers, 2004). The simulated phytoplankton was enriched in 15N in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas where sedimentary denitrification is significant. The simulated phytoplankton was depleted in 15N in the Kuroshio extension region where N2 fixation occurs, and in the subarctic North Pacific region where the phytoplankton never uses up nitrate in the surface water due to iron limitation. In this talk, we will report the validation result of the simulated δ15N map with the various δ15N data set obtained from the North Pacific.