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General Session

General Session » J-13 AI application

[1D4-GS-13] AI application: Social issues

Tue. Jun 9, 2020 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM Room D (jsai2020online-4)


3:20 PM - 3:40 PM

[1D4-GS-13-01] Consideration to Develop Comprehensive Preventive Care System

Integration of Intelligent Dialogue Agent and Cognitive Training System

〇Sho Hirose1, Daisuke Kitakoshi1, Kentaro Suzuki2, Akihiro Yamasita1, Masato Suzuki1 (1. National Institute of Technology, Tokyo Collage, 2. Kyorin University)

Keywords:Comprehensive Preventive Care System, Intelligent Dialogue Agent, Reinforcement Learning

In Japan, an advanced super-aged society, preventive care approaches have been paid much attention.These approaches aim to decrease the number of people who require nursing care or support.In this paper, we develop Comprehensive Preventive Care System (CPCS) aiming to realize care prevention activities such as cognitive training and watching over by family/friends through dialogue with older adults. We evaluate the proposed system's impressions and effects by conducting several experiments employing prototype version of the CPCS prototypes.In addition, we apply a Speech Content Coordinating Function (SCCF) using reinforcement learning based on policy gradient method to the IDA that allows the agent to perform natural dialogue. This paper investigates whether the SCCF can appropriately adjust the agent's speech content depending on the users' situation.

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