2021年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第35回)



国際セッション(Regular) » ER-3 Agents

[4N1-IS-3a] Agents (1/2)

2021年6月11日(金) 09:00 〜 10:40 N会場 (IS会場)

Chair: Takahiro Uchiya (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

09:40 〜 10:00

[4N1-IS-3a-03] Automatic Utterance Selection Based on Prosodic Features of Children's Vocalizations

〇Yuki Kubo1, Natsuki Oka1, Subaru Hanada1, Kazuaki Tanaka1, Tomomi Takahashi1 (1. Kyoto Institute of Technology)

キーワード:dialogue system, reinforcement learning, transfer learning, unsupervised learning

There is a growing need for dialogue systems that can interact appropriately with children. Pechat is a button-shaped speaker that is attached to a stuffed animal. Caregivers can have a voice dialogue with children through the stuffed animal by selecting speech on their smartphones. Our goal is to automate speech selection so that Pechat can interact with children without parental intervention. The system learned to select an appropriate response from a given set of candidates. The information available for the learning process was the caregiver's utterance selection history and the evaluation of the system utterance, which was judged by the prosodic features of the child's response. Prosody was used as a reward for reinforcement learning and defined the states of reinforcement learning. The experimental results revealed the difference in learning with and without the use of prosody.

