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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-20

[2K5-OS-20a] OS-20

Wed. May 29, 2024 3:30 PM - 5:10 PM Room K (Room 44)

オーガナイザ:栗原 聡(慶應義塾大学)、山川 宏(東京大学)、谷口 彰(立命館大学)、田和辻 可昌(早稲田大学)

3:30 PM - 3:50 PM

[2K5-OS-20a-01] Proposed functional requirements for emotional rodent interactions

Attempt to connect with brain organs through function realization graph

〇Hiromitsu Ota1, Yoshimasa Tawatsuji2, Tatsuya Miyamoto3, Takashi Omori4, Yuta Ashihara5, Naoya Arakawa1, Hiroshi Yamakawa6 (1. The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative, 2. The University of Tokyo, The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative, 3. Waseda University, 4. Tamagawa University, 5. Nihon University/ The University of Tokyo/ The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative, 6. The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative /The University of Tokyo /RIKEN /AI Alignment Network)

Keywords:Rodent, Emotion, Function Realization Graph, Functional decomposition

As an architecture for emotionally rich interactions, it organizes the functional requirements for realizing interactions related to emotions at the rodent level. Rodents are well used animals to investigate their neural structure subserving various cognitive functions, and much research has been done on how they relate to human emotions. Recent large language models (LLM) are well developed to be utilized for an agent which can interact emotionally with humans. While LLM seems to achieve cognitive function such as emotion, its functionalities are not necessarily explicit. In this study, we believe that by proposing functional requirements at the rodent level and expressing them in a functional realization graph, interpretability will increase and reliability will be created. We will make this report.

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