


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.2 評価・基礎物性

[19a-E302-1~10] 12.2 評価・基礎物性

2019年9月19日(木) 09:00 〜 11:45 E302 (E302)

島田 敏宏(北大)、渡邉 峻一郎(東大)

09:00 〜 09:15

[19a-E302-1] Characterisation on Spontaneous Redox-state Transition Property of
Phosphomolybdic Acid Molecule Functionalised on Carbon Nanotube

〇(M2C)KianLian Goh Goh、Yuji Kuwahara、Megumi Akai-Kasaya


Phosphomolybdic acid (hereinafter PMo12) molecule displays 24-electron multi-redox property. Despite various researches have been conducted on PMo12, the charge transport process through PMo12 molecule has not been examined comprehensively. Therefore, we created a system that is made up of CNT/PMo12 device in order to study the charge transport process through PMo12. A.C. dielectrophoresis technique was applied to position few CNTs across 1μm-gapped electrodes. This device was then soaked in PMo12 solution to allow the formation of “PMo12 junction” between CNT and electrode. When DC bias of few tens of millivolt was applied to this CNT/PMo12 device, we observed output current response with spontaneous transition between “OFF state” at nearly 0 A and “ON state” at certain maximum current range, accompanied by occasional appearance of intermediate states. This spontaneous switching in conductance is speculated to originate from the spontaneous redox-state transition of a single PMo12 junction, suggesting that the multi-redox property governs the charge transport process through PMo12. This newly discovered relationship deserves further analysis for the fundamental understanding and characterisation on the multi-redox property of PMo12.