


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2019 » 4.3 Ultrafast Optics and Laser Processing

[20a-E214-1~8] 4.3 Ultrafast Optics and Laser Processing

2019年9月20日(金) 09:00 〜 11:45 E214 (E214)

細川 陽一郎(奈良先端大)、渡邉 歴(立命館大)

09:00 〜 09:30

[20a-E214-1] [INVITED] Femtosecond Laser-induced Impulsive Force in Applications for Cell Research

Yoichiroh Hosokawa1 (1.Div. Mat. Sci., NAIST)

キーワード:Bio-application, Laser cell manipulation, Atomic force microscopy

We have applied the femtosecond laser-induced impulsive force as an external force to estimate intercellular adhesion strength, to manipulate single cells, and to generate protein crystals. In this presentation, we explain kinetics of the impulsive force based on the femtosecond laser ablation mechanism, and introduce impulsive force applications for evaluation of intercellular adhesion, in which atomic force miscopy (AFM) was combined for the detection.