


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.11 フォトニック構造・現象

[13p-N321-1~15] 3.11 フォトニック構造・現象

2021年9月13日(月) 13:30 〜 17:45 N321 (口頭)

石崎 賢司(京大)、北村 恭子(京都工繊大)

14:15 〜 14:30

[13p-N321-4] Light transmission in triangular lattice photonic crystal waveguides with 120-degree sharp bends

Wei Dai1、Taiki Yoda2、Yuto Moritake1,3、Masaaki Ono2,4、Eiichi Kuramochi2,4、Masaya Notomi1,2,4 (1.Tokyo Tech、2.NTT BRL、3.JST PRESTO、4.NTT NPC)

キーワード:photonic crystal, topological photonics

Valley photonic crystals (VPhCs) can be constructed by breaking the inversion symmetry of the bulk lattice. Two VPhCs connected by an interface, as a photonic crystal waveguide (PhCWG), can support valley-polarized states of light, which are reported to travel robustly through 120-degree sharp bends with suppressed corner reflection. Since the broken inversion symmetry is the heart of valley photonic properties, we compare the light transmission through 120-degree bends using PhCWGs with and without the inversion symmetry to investigate its influence. Surprisingly, we observed high transmission through 120-degree sharp bends in PhCWGs with the inversion symmetry. We found that the presence of the inversion symmetry does not cause significant differences in terms of the transmission through 120-degree bends. We report both the theoretical and the experimental results.