


1 応用物理学一般 » 1.3 新技術・複合新領域

[21p-A301-1~13] 1.3 新技術・複合新領域

2022年9月21日(水) 13:00 〜 16:45 A301 (A301)

松谷 晃宏(東工大)

14:00 〜 14:15

[21p-A301-5] Design of RV32E RISC-V CPU for Biomedical and IoT Applications

〇(M2C)Panithan Srisinsuphya1、Yasufumi Yokoshiki1、Takashi Tokuda1 (1.Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)

キーワード:RISC-V, IoT, RV32E

With the continued development of IoT, there is a need for small and low-powered devices. As these devices can be used in multiple applications, the ability to reprogram devices is a valuable function. In this paper we present a RV32E-based RISC-V CPU for IoT and Biomedical applications. In this iteration the CPU consists of a 16-register CPU core, ROM, Random Access Memory (RAM), BUS Controller and General Purpose Input and Output (GPIO ) interface resulting in a CPU area of 690 x 690 μm2. The CPU will be fabricated using a 0.18μm CMOS process.