


6 薄膜・表面 » 6.2 カーボン系薄膜

[24p-E204-1~10] 6.2 カーボン系薄膜

2022年3月24日(木) 13:30 〜 16:15 E204 (E204)

赤坂 大樹(東工大)、斎藤 秀俊(長岡技大)

16:00 〜 16:15

[24p-E204-10] Evaluation of Electrical Resistance of amorphous carbon films with Substrate Dependence Under Mechanical Pressure

〇(M2)Azmi Muhamad1、Ayumu Takada1、Ryuto Hirawata1、Naoki Yasuno1、Shuji Obata1、Noboru Miyata2、Miyazaki Tsukasa2、Yasuharu Ohgoe1 (1.Tokyo Denki University、2.CROSS, Neutron Science and Technology)

キーワード:Electrical resistivity, amorphous carbon films, PET

In this study, we evaluated the substrate dependence of the electrical resistivity of amorphous carbon films under compression. a-C:H and Sputtered a-C (:H) films showed a change in film structure under compression, and also showed lower resistivity on PET substrates with six-membered rings. These results indicate that the electrical resistance of DLC under compression is dependent on the substrate.