


17 ナノカーボン » 17.3 層状物質

[16p-B414-1~16] 17.3 層状物質

2023年3月16日(木) 13:00 〜 17:15 B414 (2号館)

日比野 浩樹(関学大)、星 裕介(東京都市大)

15:30 〜 15:45

[16p-B414-10] Gate Defined Josephson junctions in monolayer WTe2

Randle Michael1、Masayuki Hosoda2、Russell Deacon1、Manabu Ohtomo2、Kenji Watanabe3、Takashi Taniguchi3、Shota Okazaki4、Takao Sasagawa4、Kenichi Kawaguchi2、Shintaro Sato2、〇Koji Ishibashi1 (1.RIKEN、2.Fujitsu、3.NIMS、4.TIT)

キーワード:Josephson junction, 2D material

Josephson junctions have been fabricated in the monolayer WTe2. Contacts to the WTe2 layer are formed with the in-situ etching and sputtering of Pd/NbTi. Superconductivity is induced in the WTe2 layer by applying positive gate voltages on the left and right side gates, and is controlled by the center gate. Formation of the Josephson junction is confirmed by the quantized steps in the current-voltage characteristics (Schapiro steps) under the microwave irradiation and magnetic field response of the supercurrent. It is found that the current channel is not uniform in the junction and the screening is lacking in the superconducting leads in the WTe2 region.