


2. 遺伝・育種


2019年9月18日(水) 14:00 〜 16:45 第III会場 (2番講義室)

座長:福田 智一(岩手大理工)、佐藤 正寛(東北大院農)、後藤 達彦(帯畜大農)、井上 慶一(家畜改良セ)

14:00 〜 14:10

[III-18-01] Genomic prediction with missing pedigrees in single-step GBLUP in a large-scale genotyped population

*Yutaka Masuda1, Shogo Tsuruta1, Ignacy Misztal1 (1.Univ. of Georgia)

Single-step GBLUP (ssGBLUP) is a method for genomic prediction including the inverse of the unified relationship matrix (H-1) as a function of pedigree relationships and genomic relationships. In livestock populations, the genomic relationship matrix is often incompatible with the pedigree relationship matrix because of missing pedigree. Unknown parent-groups (UPG) and metafounders (MF) can be used to make the relationship matrices compatible in scale. The objectives of this study were to derive H-1 with UPG or MF and to apply it to the genomic prediction of production traits in US Holstein. We have derived a reasonable H-1 with UPG. The matrix is similar to one derived from the MF theory. The data provided by the Council of Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) included more than 72 million phenotypes for each trait, 80 million pedigree animals, and 2.3 million genotyped animals. We will present the validation results in predictability and inflation of genomic breeding values (GEBV) for young bulls using UPG and MF.