


[S9] シンポジウム9

2022年3月31日(木) 09:15 〜 11:45 チャンネル4

コンビーナー:瀬戸 真太郎(結核研究所),西山 晃史(新潟大学)


[S9-2] Inactivation of DNA function by intrinsically disordered histone-like protein in mycobacteria

西山 晃史1,清水 将裕2,3,古寺 哲幸2,Anna Savitskaya1,尾関 百合子1,真柳 浩太4,山口 雄大5,立石 善隆1,松本 壮吉1 (1新潟大院・医歯学総合・細菌,2金沢大・ナノ生命科学研,3京都大・複合原子力科学研,4九州大・生体防御医学研,5大阪市大院・医・分子病態薬理)

Dormancy is the mechanism of survival of living pathogens in the host. Dormant pathogens are tolerant to various stress conditions and antimicrobial chemotherapy. Mycobacteria, major human pathogens, are prone to become dormant persisters. Such latent infection is a major source of mycobacterial diseases, such as tuberculosis. Mycobacterial DNA-binding protein 1 (MDP1) is conserved among all mycobacterial species and essential in Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. tuberculosis. We have identified MDP1 as one of the abundant proteins in hypoxic dormant mycobacteria. MDP1 is a mycobacterial orthologue of histone-like protein HU but possesses a eukaryotic histone tail-like polycationic intrinsically disordered region (IDR) which is rare in bacteria. Recently we have reported that MDP1 induces dormancy phenotypes of mycobacteria, e.g., chromosome compaction, growth suppression, and isoniazid tolerance. Interestingly, IDR is essential for these MDP1 functions, different from other general HUs. However, its strikingly disordered property inhibits the clarification of its detailed molecular mechanism. Here, we summarize our current findings on unique IDR-mediated function of MDP1 and discuss the possible role in dormant mycobacteria.