Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

[共通セッション] 土木分野におけるセンサ技術の利用と可能性

土木分野におけるセンサ技術の利用と可能性 (5)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 10:25 AM - 11:55 AM CS-3 (幸町南6号館 第4講義室)

座長:澤田 純之(安藤・間)

[CS9-42] Research on axle load measurement on expressway using moire measurement technology

*李 志遠1、津田 浩1、永田 佳文2、紺野 康二2、谷内 伸一3 (1. 産業技術総合研究所、2. 首都高速技術、3. 首都高道路)

Keywords:Deflection measurement, Sampling moire method, Axle load measurement

A strain sensor has been mainly used as a method of measuring the axial load, but it needs periodical replacement due to deterioration due to long-term use. Therefore, axial load measurement cannot be performed over several weeks from the detection of the defect to the repair. In this presentation, we show the possibility of axial load measurement by image measurement using sampling moiré method for Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway, using a digital camera or video camera and measurement marker of regular pattern. We report that it is possible to measure the axial load of a vehicle by considering the maximum measured deflection during the passage of the vehicle and the passage speed of the vehicle.

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