



2021年5月15日(土) 13:30 〜 15:00 B会場 (B会場)

座長:西藤 潤(京都大学)

13:30 〜 13:45

[S02C-01] A phenomenological approach to ductile fracture based on crack phase-field model

*Jike Han1, Seishiro Matsubara2, Shuji Moriguchi1, Kenjiro Terada1 (1. Tohoku University, 2. Nagoya University)

キーワード:crack phase-field, ductile fracture, plastic driving force, degrading fracture toughness

We propose a new crack phase-field model for ductile fracture, which incorporates both the plastic driving force and the degrading fracture toughness into damage evolutions based on the phenomenological justification for elastoplastic materials. In the proposed model, besides the elastic strain energy, the plastic strain energy works as a driving force for damage evolution. Also, we introduce a degrading fracture toughness to reflect the evolution of micro-defects and their coalescences into each other. Thanks to these ingredients, the proposed model realizes the reduction of both stiffness and fracture toughness to simulate the failure phenomena of elastoplastic materials.