




2024年7月11日(木) 08:00 〜 09:00 第7会場 (4F 404-406)

座長:杉山 央(大阪市立総合医療センター 小児循環器不整脈内科)
座長:赤木 禎治(岡山大学 成人先天性心疾患センター)

[I-OR07-02] Significant Practice Variation Related to Oxygen Consumption in Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories - A Cross-Sectional Survey in the US

小林 大介 (セントルイス小児病院 ワシントン大学セントルイス校 小児循環器科)

キーワード:Oxygen consumption, Fick principle, Predictive equation

Introduction: Oxygen consumption (VO2) is the essential component in the Fick principle. Although VO2 can be measured, the value of VO2 has been referred to predictive equations in the congenital cardiac catheterization laboratories (CCCL). The objective of this study was to investigate current practice variation in measurement and estimation of VO2 in CCCL.Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey study conducted in January-February 2024. The survey (n=114) was sent to one interventional cardiologist for each CCCL program in the United States utilizing REDCap. The responses were summarized in a descriptive fashion.Results: Eighty four programs completed the survey (response rate 74%). Only 13 (16%) programs measured VO2, though 66 programs (79%) thought VO2 should be measured for all cases (n=40) and selective cases (n=26) and 18 programs thought assumed VO2 was satisfactory. When VO2 is referred from predictive equations, half of the programs (n=51, 61%) used LaFarge, followed by Seckeler (n=25, 30%) and combination of LaFarge and Seckeler (n=7, 8%). For patients aged <3 years (where LaFarge equation does not provide VO2 value), a wide range of assumed VO2 values were found to be arbitrarily used in 47 programs using LaFarge.Conclusion: Most CCCL thought VO2 should be measured but only 13 (16%) programs actually measured VO2 in the United States. LaFarge remains frequently used as a predictive equation in a current era, despite the fact that LaFarge equation was described on sedated patients in 1970.