


[2Dp01-08] Advancement of experimental techniques for surface analysis using synchrotron radiation and its applications: Synchrotron Radiation Surface Science Division's Session

2023年11月1日(水) 14:00 〜 17:00 中会議室221 (2階)

Chair:近藤 寛(慶應大学)、小澤 健一(高エネルギー加速器研究機構)

16:00 〜 16:30

[2Dp06] Applications of spatio-temporal structure of undulator radiation

*Tatsuo Kaneyasu1,2 (1. SAGA Light Source, 2. Institute for Molecular Science)

The waveform of electromagnetic radiation from an ultra-relativistic electron reflects the motion of the electron. In recent years, we have been exploring the possibility of the spatio-temporal control of undulator radiation. Recently we verified that each light wave packet of spontaneous radiation from a tandem undulator at a synchrotron light source, has a double-pulsed temporal profile. The use of mutual coherence between the double-pulsed components enables attosecond coherent control and ultrafast time-domain spectroscopy by synchrotron radiation. Moreover, we have produced vortex beam which has a helical wave front and carries orbital angular momentum. The interaction between the XUV vortex beam and atoms was tested by measuring photoelectron angular distributions.

