一般社団法人資源・素材学会 平成30(2018)年度春季大会

講演情報(2018年2月23日付 確定版)



2018年3月28日(水) 09:15 〜 12:00 第6会場 (2号館1F, 212号講義室)

司会:永井 崇(千葉工業大学),安田 幸司(京都大学)

10:15 〜 10:30

[2501-10-05] CS2ガスを用いた酸炭窒化チタンからの硫化チタン製造法

○八島 悠太1、アフマディ エルテファト2,1、夏井 俊悟1、菊地 竜也1、鈴木 亮輔1、レザン シャイフ2 (1. 北海道大学、2. マレーシアサインズ大学)

司会:永井 崇(千葉工業大学)


Sulfurization procedure was examined to synthesize titanium sulfide from titanium oxycarbonitride by CS2 gas. The experiments were carried out at 1173 - 1523 K in a tube reactor with continuously flowing Ar as carrier gas of CS2. The formation of titanium sulfide phases from the commercial TiN, TiC and TiO powders were studied. Then, TiO0.02C0.13N0.85 coming from ilmenite was sulfurized to prepare single-phase of titanium sulfide. The process was remarkably dependent on the temperature and time. TiN and TiO0.02C0.13N0.85 powders could be fully converted to the single phase of Ti2.45S4 (Ti2+xS4) at 1473 K in 3.6 ks. The maximum weight gain of TiN sample was ~55.3% indicating a full conversion of TiN to Ti2S3 phase. The carbon and oxygen contents in the sulfide prepared from TiO0.02C0.13N0.85 were about 1.77 wt.%C and 1.40 wt.%O, respectively. Therefore, it could be a promising feedstock for the production of cost-affortable titanium powder.




