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Poster Session

E. Softmatter » [E-3] Soft active interface

[E3-P504] Poster 504

Fri. Dec 15, 2023 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Poster (Annex)

[E3-P504-13] Light Melt Adhesive Based on Photothermal Conversion Materials

*Kenshin Yamamoto1, Kanade Matsui1, Ayuna Takenaka2, Masaru Kotera3, Tomoyasu Hirai2,4, Yoshinobu Nakamura2,4, Syuji Fujii2,4 (1. Grad. Sch. of Eng., Osaka Inst. Tech. (Japan), 2. Fac. of Eng., Osaka Inst. Tech. (Japan), 3. MORESCO Corp. (Japan), 4. Nanomater. Microdev. Res. Center, Osaka Inst. Tech. (Japan))

Keywords:Conjugated polymer, Polypyrrole, Hot melt adhesive, Near infrared light, Photothermal property

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