
Technical Session

[T5] Colloidal Dispersion/Aggregation, Surface Forces and Rheology

[T5] Colloidal Dispersion/Aggregation, Surface Forces and Rheology (5A13-18)

2019年11月8日(金) 16:10 〜 18:20 Room A (Shinryokan: Summit Hall)

Chair: Motoyoshi Kobayashi (University of Tsukuba), Dietmar Lerche (LUM GmbH)

16:40 〜 17:00

*Casey A. Thomas1, Moe Kasahara2, Yuta Asaumi2, Syuji Fujii3, Grant B. Webber1, Peter M. Ireland1, Erica J. Wanless4 (1. Faculty of Engineering, University of Newcastle (Australia), 2. Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology (Japan), 3. Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology (Japan), 4. Faculty of Science, University of Newcastle (Australia))

17:20 〜 17:40

*Minmin Zhang1,2,3, Serge G Lemay3 (1. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Nanophotonic Functional Materials and Devices, School of Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, South China Normal University (China), 2. National Center for International Research on Green Optoelectronics, South China Normal University (China), 3. MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente (Netherlands))




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