Presentation information


[S5] Science & Technologies for the Sustainable Space Colony Life

[S5] Science & Technologies for the Sustainable Space Colony Life (1D07-12)

Mon. Nov 4, 2019 1:40 PM - 3:50 PM Room D (Shinryokan: Ocean Hall #3)

Chair: Libero Liggieri (CNR-Instuitute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Energy Technologies), Yuji Yamashita (Chiba Institute of Science)

1:40 PM - 2:10 PM

[1D07] The Space Colony Research Center at the Tokyo University of Science Dual space–Earth development of future living technologies

[Keynote Lecture]

*Shinichi Kimura1 (1. Tokyo University of Science (Japan))

Keywords:Space Colony, Space-Terrestrial Dual Development, Photocatalyst

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