


III. 核分裂工学 » 304-1 伝熱・流動(エネルギー変換・輸送・貯蔵を含む)

[1E13-17] 福島第一原子力発電所事故2

2017年9月13日(水) 16:05 〜 17:25 E会場 (B3棟 B32講義室)

座長:藤井 正 (日立GE)

16:35 〜 16:50

[1E15] Assessment of Core Status of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants

(97)Assessment of "SAMPSON/DCA" Heat Transfer Models between relocated molten core and RPV lower head wall

*Alexandre Ezzidi1, Masanori Naitoh1, Hide Okada1, Chiaki Kino1 (1. IAE)

キーワード:SAMPSON code, severe accident, in-vessel retention, molten pool in lower head, gap cooling

In the frame of SAMPSON code model assessment and validation work for PWR applications, stand-alone analysis is performed with debris cooling analysis module (DCA) in order to verify and evaluate corium to lower head heat transfer models. In this analysis, an in-vessel cooling experiment is simulated in DCA module and the calculation results are compared with the experimental data. According to this comparison result, model improvements could be performed in future work.