Oral presentation
[2O01-05] Plant PRA
Thu. Sep 6, 2018 9:30 AM - 10:55 AM Room O (D25 -D Building)
Chair:Koichi Nakamura(CRIEPI)
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
[2O01] Consideration of KK-7 Internal Events Shutdown Level 1PRA Upgrade
(1) Issues Based on Internal Events At-Power Level 1PRA Upgrade
*Yoshikazu Ootaki1, Issei Hidaka1, Toshiteru Saitou1, Satoshi Kawaguchi2, Toshinobu Kita2 (1. TEPCO SYSTEMS CORPORATION, 2. Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings,Inc)
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
[2O02] Consideration of KK-7 Internal Events At-Power Level1.5 PRA Upgrade
(1) Issues Based on Internal Events At-Power Level1 PRA Upgrade
*Takashi Masutani1, Masatoshi Moteki1, Natsuki Shiraishi1, Chikahiro Satou1, Masayuki Hiraide2, Toshinobu Kita2 (1. TEPCO SYSTEMS CORPORATION, 2. Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.)
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
[2O03] The Progress of PRA for Tokai No.2 Power Station
(2)Extraction of Initiating event candidate "Implementation of failure mode effect analysis"
*Hiroto Matsumoto1, Masaru Yamanaka2, Takayuki Negishi1, Atsuo Ikeda1 (1. Nuclear Engineering and Services Company, 2. The Japan Atomic Power Company)
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
[2O04] The Progress of PRA for SHIKA NPS unit2
(5)Evaluation Results of Level 1.5PRA During Power Operation Considering SA Equipment
*Takuma Takahashi2, Mutsuhiro Nakada1, Toshihiro Aida1, Daisuke Suimon1, Keisuke Takashima1,2, Shinichi Hamatani1,2, Takayuki Negishi2, Atsuo Ikeda2 (1. Hokuriku Electric Power Company, 2. Nuclear Engineering and Services Company)
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
[2O05] The Progress of PRA for SHIKA NPS unit2
(6)Development of Core Damage Monitoring Tool During Power Operation(Level1 PRA)
*Keisuke Takashima1,2, Mutsuhiro Nakada2, Toshihiro Aida2, Daisuke Suimon2, Takayuki Negishi1, Atsuo Ikeda1, Junya Masuko1 (1. Nuclear Engineering and Services Company, 2. Hokuriku Electric Power Company)
Time reserved for Chair (10:45 AM - 10:55 AM)