


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学および医学利用 » 202-2 放射線物理,放射線計測

[2N17-21] 医療・応用計測

2019年9月12日(木) 16:55 〜 18:15 N会場 (共通教育棟 3F A32)

座長:日野 正裕(京大)

17:10 〜 17:25

[2N18] 癌細胞の放射性標識および蛍光標識グルコースの取込みを比較する、生体内バイオイメージングのためのメカニズム研究

*久代 京一郎1、小林 茉莉子1、杉山 暁1、島添 健次1、高橋 浩之1 (1. 東京大学)


Although both PET and fluorescence imaging based on glucose analogs have been used to study tumors in vivo, there have been some inconsistencies between them due to the lack of the mechanistic understandings underlying the uptake of the gluocose-based probes. In this study, quantitative analyses of the localization and kinetics of glucose uptake when labeled with either radioactive isotopes or fluorecent molecules were performed. After incubating ovarian cancer cells with either FDG or RediJect 2-DG at different temperatures and culture conditions, the cells were separated into the membrane and cytosolic components via ultracentrifugation, and the fluorescence or radiation signals were measured for each component. Understanding the mechanisms underlying this uptake phenomena will lead to a more accurate tumor bioimaging.