


III. 核分裂工学 » 304-1 伝熱・流動(エネルギー変換・輸送・貯蔵を含む)

[3F09-14] シビアアクシデント解析

2019年9月13日(金) 14:45 〜 16:20 F会場 (共通教育棟 2F C21)

座長:宇井 淳(電中研)

15:15 〜 15:30

[3F11] SAMPSON PWR Validation by TMI-2 Accident

*Alexandre Nakata Ezzidi1、Takahashi Atsuo2、Naitoh Masanori1 (1. IAE/NUPEC、2. AdvanceSoft)

キーワード:SAMPSON code、severe accident、Three Mile Island Unit-2、zircaloy oxidation、fission product release、hydrogen production

SAMPSON is an integral severe accident analysis code which has been developed by the Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (NUPEC) with the support of the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry. SAMPSON-BWR version has been undergoing significant improvements within the Benchmark Study of the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (BSAF) project. However, despite that notable improvements have been made in the PWR version of the code, probably some improvements are still needed in core degradation models. Therefore, simulation in the code of TMI-2 accident will allow to identify possible remaining model deficiencies in the code for future improvements.