2020 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

III. Fission Energy Engineering » 301-1 Reactor Physics, Utilization of Nuclear Data, Criticality Safety

[1H06-09] Advanced Reactor Design

Wed. Sep 16, 2020 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM Room H (Zoom room 8)

Chair:Go Chiba(Hokkaido Univ.)

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

[1H08] Evaluation of power distribution of full core burnup calculation of the HTTR by Monte-Carlo method

*Reiji Ikeda1, Hai Quan Ho2, Nozomu Fujimoto1, Shinpei Hamamoto2, Satoru Nagasumi2, Etsuo Ishitsuka2 (1. Kyushu Univ., 2. JAEA)

Keywords:HTGR, HTTR, Monte-Carlo, MVP, Burnup

One of the characteristics of HTGR is that HTGR has large temperature difference in a core. However, core burnup calculations of the HTTR by Monte-Carlo method had been performed with uniform temperature condition because of limit of calculation code and computational resource. Improvement of calculation code and computational resource enabled us to calculate with the temperature distribution in a core. We have performed burnup calculation of the HTTR with temperature distribution by Monte-Carlo code of MVP to evaluate power distribution quantitatively.