10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
[1M02] A novel dosimeter technique using quadruple-phoswich scintillator for beta/gamma
simultaneous counting and discriminating.
(2)Apparatus Design and Priminary test
Keywords:beta ray, gamma ray, phosich, quadruple, deisrimination
At Fukushima-daiichi decommissioning site, β-ray management is extremely important. With the legislation of lowering the eye lens dose limit, more convenient and reliable measurement tools of β-ray dose rate is strongly required. For β-ray dose rate measurement, ionization chamber survey meters usually adopted, but the evaluation of β-ray requires two measurements with and without a β-ray cutoff filter and subtraction of these data.
To measure β-ray dose without exchange β-ray cutoff filter, a new quadruple Phoswich scintillator have been developed. This time, Design of Phoswich scintillator and algorism to identify the events and some results of primary test will be shown.
To measure β-ray dose without exchange β-ray cutoff filter, a new quadruple Phoswich scintillator have been developed. This time, Design of Phoswich scintillator and algorism to identify the events and some results of primary test will be shown.