


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学および医学利用 » 202-2 放射線物理,放射線計測

[1M05-08] ガンマ線・X線測定1

2020年9月16日(水) 14:45 〜 15:55 M会場 (Zoomルーム13)

座長:野上 光博(東北大)

15:15 〜 15:30

[1M07] Prototype development of sphere Compton imaging system with GFAG scintillators

*Agus Nur Rachman1, Kenji Shimazoe1, Hiroyuki Takahashi 1, Yusuke Tamura2, Hideki Tomita3, Hanwool Woo1, Kei Kamada2, Fumihiko Ishida4, Eiiji Takada4, Kosuke Tanabe5 (1. The University Of Tokyo, 2. Tohoku University , 3. Nagoya University, 4. National Institute of Technology Toyama, 5. National Research Institute of Police Science)

キーワード:Sphere detector, Gamma-ray imaging , GAFG crystal

The 4-phi gamma-ray imaging is useful to find the location of radiative materials in a random position and can be used for various environmental applications. The sphere Compton imaging system will provide a 360-degree viewpoint range to detect the gamma-ray with quantitative values. The detector equipped with GAFG crystal, which has a short decay time (40-55ns) and high density (6.7g/cm3). The high density of the GAFG crystal will increase the probability of gamma ray interaction and more efficient in stopping the gamma-ray. The short decay time allows us to measure the Time of Flight (TOF) that will provide useful information on photon interaction in the sphere detector. We will show the prototype experimental results of designed sphere Compton camera.