2020 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

III. Fission Energy Engineering » 301-1 Reactor Physics, Utilization of Nuclear Data, Criticality Safety

[2H07-09] Analysis Code Development 2

Thu. Sep 17, 2020 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Room H (Zoom room 8)

Chair:Atsushi Sakon(Kindai Univ.)

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM

[2H07] Improvement of IAEA’s Fuel Cycle Code NFCSS (Th cycle etc.)

*Ritsuo Yoshioka1, Hideyuki Hayashi2, Eriko Minari3, T.S.Gopi Rethinaraj4, Ki Seob Sim5 (1. International Thorium Molten-Salt Forum, 2. ex-JAEA, 3. Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4. Indian Institute of Science, 5. IAEA)

Keywords:IAEA, Fuel Cycle Code, NFCSS, Thorium cycle, Decay heat, Radiotoxicity

Since IAEA’s Fuel cycle cord NFCSS has become open to public in 2005, IAEA received various requests from member states. Based on these requests, IAEA improved NFCSS and uploaded the revised version on its web-site in 2019, together with a technical document. Now, any users can utilize it with free of charge by registering their names.

NFCSS has a built-in burn-up engine, which was offered by Japan, together with cross section data. So, it can perform fuel cycle evaluation without reactor core design codes.
Main improvements of the revised version are; thorium cycle capability for PWR/BWR, expanded number of actinides from 14 to18, fuel cycle capability for FBR besides previous 7 reactor types, a user friendly manual, and an added module linked to NFCSS for decay heat and radiotoxicity of PWR/BWR spent fuels.