2:45 PM - 3:00 PM
[3L05] Study on extraction method of integrated spectrum intensity in temperature analysis method using neutron resonance absorption spectroscopy combined with particle transport simulation calculations
Keywords:Neutron resonance absorption, Non-destructive temperature mesurement, Particle transport simulation calculation, PHITS, Integrated intensity
Regarding neutron resonance absorption thermometry, we have studied a method of preparing a calibration curve between characteristic profiles of resonance absorption spectrum and resonance nuclide temperatures using particle transport simulations. So far, we focused on integrated intensity as the characteristic profile of spectrum. In this study, we aimed to obtain a setting guideline of the integration energy range. We applied this method to experimental data of resonance absorption spectra of tantalum and silver. As a result, the most accurate temperature was obtained by integrating over only the energy range of spectrum which highly reacts toward temperatures. Therefore, we got the guideline that we could determine an integration energy range by investigating the spectrum change depending on temperature for each experimental condition.