


III. 核分裂工学 » 301-1 炉物理,核データの利用,臨界安全

[1I01-06] 燃料デブリ特性評価

2021年9月8日(水) 10:10 〜 11:55 I会場

座長:木村 礼 (東芝ESS)

10:10 〜 10:25

[1I01] The possible use of short half-life noble gas fission products for measurement of criticality and identification of plutonium in fuel debris canister

*Eka Sapta Riyana1, Keisuke Okumura1, Masahiro Sakamoto1, Taichi Matsumura1, Kenichi Terashima1 (1. JAEA)

キーワード:Depletion calculation, Subcritical System, Fuel Debris Canister, Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel, Monte Carlo Calculation, Short Half-life Fission Products

Fuel debris has inherent neutron sources due to mostly spontaneous fissions. Therefore, the fuel debris inside a canister can be seen as a subcritical system with fixed neutron source. A depletion calculation for the fuel debris inside the canister has been performed. The calculation results show the relation between the activity ratio of short half-life noble gas fission products (FPs) 88Kr-to-135Xe and the effective neutron multiplication factor (keff). The results also show the possible use of the activity ratio to identify fuel debris caused from UO2 or MOX fuels.