4:50 PM - 5:05 PM
[2B14] Hybrid Process Combining Solvent Extraction and Low Pressure Loss Extraction Chromatography for a Reasonable MA Recovery
(9)Evaluation of the extraction performance on the centrifugal contactors for the MA-Ln recovery flowsheet test
Keywords:Hybrid Process, Solvent extraction, Centrifugal contactor, Stage efficiency, Countercurrent test
In order to process a test of MA(III)-Ln(III) recovery flowsheet, which consists the Hybrid-process, the stage efficiency of the centrifugal contactor on the simulant high level liquid waste was investigated. The centrifugal contactor indicated 100\% stage efficiency to the MA-Ln recovery flowrate condition. Also, a countercurrent test showed that the decontamination performance can be advanced by the improved flowsheet condition.