5:20 PM - 5:35 PM
[2B16] Development of a new extraction method for americium separation from high-level liquid waste (2)
Keywords:Partitioning & Transmutation, MA separation, solvent extraction, SELECT process, extractant, ADAAM, HONTA, Am
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been studying partitioning technology. Recently, JAEA proposed a new liquid-liquid extraction technology called SELECT (Solvent Extraction from Liquid-waste using Extractants of CHON-type for Transmutation) process to separate minor actinide (MA) from high-level liquid waste (HLLW) for transmutation. In this process, new extractants (HONTA, ADAAM) with highly practical and high extraction ability for MA was developed. In the present study, a new solvent extraction method using a mixture of HONTA and ADAAM was investigated. In the tests, it was found that the separation of Am from the simulated HLLW was achieved with very high yield.