


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学および医学利用 » 202-2 放射線物理,放射線計測

[2H01-08] イメージング検出器

2021年9月9日(木) 09:45 〜 12:00 H会場

座長:渡辺 賢一 (九大)

10:30 〜 10:45

[2H04] Development and characterization of SOI based event driven neutron imaging sensor

*Zhang Lan1, Mizuki Uenomachi2, Kenji Shimazoe1, Hiroyuki Takahashi1, Ayaki Takeda3, Yoshio Kamiya1, Koji Mori3, Takeshi Go Tsuru4, Ikuo Kurachi6, Yasuo Arai5 (1. UTokyo, 2. RIKEN, 3. Miyazaki Univ., 4. Kyoto Univ., 5. KEK, 6. D&S Inc.)

キーワード:imaging sensor, semiconductor, neutron

A neutron imaging pixelated sensor based on 10B coated SOI(Silicon-on-Insulator)-CMOS pixel silicon device was designed and developed for the operation in the event driven mode. The pixel size of sensor is 36 µm × 36 µm and the die size is 15.3 mm × 24.6 mm with pixels of 384 × 608. The fabricated imaging sensor can readout the energy deposition pattern with the programmed area size through the in-pixel trigger function for fast readout. In this study, neutron irradiation test is performed to investigate sensor’s response. The time-of-flight capability and event identification capability has been evaluated. These capabilities are important to improve the signal to noise ratio in neutron events and also will be useful for the applications requiring neutron/γ discrimination.