11:15 AM - 11:30 AM
[2H07] Performance evaluation of new neutron FPD(Flat Panel Detector)using IGZO TFT and LNI:Eu scintillator
Keywords:FPD(Flat Panel Detector), IGZO(In-Ga-Zn-O), LNI:Eu, Neutron Radiography
We have been developing and evaluating a new FPD(Flat Panel Detector) using IGZO(In-Ga-Zn-O) TFT and scintillator. In addition, LNI:Eu scintillator is considered to be suitable for neutron radiography in various aspects including light emission amount and neutron sensitivity by Li. In this study, LNI:Eu scintillator used as phosphor and IGZO TFT-based photodiode array used as a light receiving panel are combined and used for an experiment on neutron radiography at BL10 NOBORU that is MLF facility of J-PARC(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex). As a result, it was confirmed that it functioned as neutron radiography, and it was able to demonstrate that it has a high resolution.