11:15 AM - 11:30 AM
[2N05] Secondary electrons dynamic simulation to model residual gas bunch length monitor for high intensity hadron beams at the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator
Keywords:Beam accelerator, Beam Instrumentation, Simulation, Bunch Length, Deuteron Beam
The Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) is designed to accelerate 125mA deuteron beam to 9MeV in continuous wave. The system is now under commissioning and characterization of the longitudinal space is essential for technology validation. A monitor has been developed to measure the beam bunch length from the arrival time distribution, vs. RF phase, of secondary electrons emitted from ionization of residual gas. The unique beam intensity will generate considerable space charge forces on the electrons, and the expected signal rate should be carefully estimated. This work presents the framework developed to simulate the dynamic of electrons from generation to detection. The code is then used to explore the sensitivity of the monitor performances to various manufacture and tuneable parameters.