11:00 AM - 11:15 AM
[3E06] Development of Cr-Coated Zircaloy for Accident Tolerant Fuels
(6) Effects of hydrogen on hoop properties in Zircaloy cladding using Advanced Expansion Due to Compression method
Keywords:Hydrogen effect, Hoop mechanical properties, Advanced expansion due to compression, Zircaloy-4
This is the sixth presentation in the series "Development of Cr-Coated Zircaloy for Accident Tolerant Fuels" of the Innovative Nuclear Research and Development Program. In order to confirm the mechanical integrity of the developed Cr-coated zircaloy cladding, as a preliminary study, in this report the results for the effects of hydrogen on the hoop-direction mechanical properties of the Zircaloy cladding, using the advanced expansion due to compression method (A-EDC), will be discussed.