2022 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

V. Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Materials » 502-1 Nuclear Materials, Degradation, Radiation Effects, and Related Technology

[2J01-04] Corrosion and Diffusion

Thu. Mar 17, 2022 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Room J

Chair: Kinya Nakamura (CRIEPI)

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[2J04] Effects of dissolved-oxygen on carbon distribution in zirconium alloys under temperature gradients

*Teppei Otsuka1, Tomofumi Sakuragi2 (1. KINDAI Univ., 2. RWMC)

Keywords:zirconium, carbon, oxygen, diffusion, thermo-transport

Used-cladding made of zirconium alloys would be compressed under high temperature and pressure conditions as a TRU HAL waste composite. During this process, oxide layers on the cladding is dissolved in interstitials of a zirconium matrix. In addition, radioactive carbon produced in the cladding is also re-distributed by diffusion under temperature gradient. In the present study, diffuion, solution and thermo-trasport data for carbon, oxygen and nitrogen in zirconium are reviewed and diffusion data of carbon in oxygen-dissolved zirconium alloys obtained in the present study are used to estimate effects of dissolved-oxygen on redistribution of carbon in zirconium under the temperature gradient.