2023 Fall Meeting

Session information

Oral presentation

IV. Nuclear Plant Technologies » 401-3 Reactor Design, Construction and Examination of Nuclear Power Station, Aseismatic Design, Nuclear Ship

[2K07-09] Nuclear Plant Design 1

Thu. Sep 7, 2023 2:45 PM - 3:35 PM Room K (ES Bildg. 3F ES031)

Chair:Katsumasa Miyoshi(JAPC)

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM

[2K07] Technical Demonstration for NuScale “VOYGRTM

(5) NuScale Engagement with the U.S. NRC under Design Certification and Standard Design Approval

*Ryuki Tahara1,2, Hibiki Nakasone2, Masahiro Nagaki2, Takuya Seshimo2, Yasutomi Morimoto1, Daisuke Koike3, Paul Boyadjian4 (1. JGC, 2. JANUS, 3. IHI, 4. NuScale Power)

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

[2K09] Technical Demonstration for NuScale “VOYGRTM

(7) Structural and Construction Study for Reactor Building Modularization

*Eiji Kawada1, Yuki Sato1, Shunji Kataoka1, Tomoyuki Umezawa1, Shinichi Aya1, Yasutomi Morimoto1, Fumitaka Sukawa2, Kota Ibuki2, Daisuke Koike3, Paul Boyadjian4 (1. JGC Corporation, 2. Obayashi Corporation, 3. IHI Corporation, 4. NuScale Power, LLC)

Time reserved for Chair (3:30 PM - 3:35 PM)



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