


III. 核分裂工学 » 301-1 炉物理,核データの利用,臨界安全

[1M08-10] 解析手法開発

2023年9月6日(水) 14:45 〜 15:35 M会場 (ES総合館3F ES034)

座長:鈴木 求(電中研)

15:00 〜 15:15

[1M09] Investigation of SP3 method in general type of sodium-cooled fast reactor physics analysis with 3-D model.

*Junshuang Fan1, Go Chiba1 (1. Hokkaido Univ.)

キーワード:SP3, fast reactor, 3-D model

Previously, keff and reactivity calculation capabilities based on SP3 theory were implemented in CBZ. Four sodium-cooled fast reactors modeled as two-dimensional (2-D) RZ cylindrical core were used to check the performance of SP3 solvers, and the advantage of the SP3 solvers compared to diffusion solver was confirmed. The same analysis is extended to 3-D model calculation. In current study, performance of the SP3 solver was investigated from perspectives of keff, sodium void reactivity, mesh-wise power output, and mesh-wise neutron flux. From the comparisons, the advantage of the SP3 solver in 3-D calculation is confirmed. However, the neutron spectrum comparison reveals there still is negligible discrepancy in the SP3 solver result. The rigorous SP3 theory shall be implemented for further improving the prediction accuracy of the SP3 solver.