2023 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

IV. Nuclear Plant Technologies » 402-1 Nuclear Safety Engineering (Safety Design, Safety Assessment/Analysis, Management)

[1O09-12] SFR 3

Wed. Sep 6, 2023 2:45 PM - 3:50 PM Room O (School of Eng. Bildg. 2F 522)

Chair:Koji Morita(Kyushu Univ.)

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM

[1O12] Thermal analysis of hydrogen release behavior in the reaction of metallic sodium with sodium hydroxide

*Daisuke Doi1 (1. JAEA)

Keywords:Hydrogen, Sodium, Sodium hydroxide, Thermal analysis, Sodium-cooled fast reactor

Thermal behavior and reaction processes of hydrogen release reactions from sodium compounds, such as sodium hydride and sodium hydroxide, are essential in hydrogen formation and transport behavior in sodium-cooled fast reactors. In this report, I will present the thermal analysis results using a mixture of metallic sodium powder prepared by a new method and sodium hydroxide powder to evaluate the hydrogen release behavior in the well-mixed sample.