11:40 AM - 11:55 AM
[2C09] Study on advanced LWR MOX fuel for effective Pu utilization and reduction of spent fuel assemblies
Keywords:MOX fuel, Light Water Reactor, Pressurized-Water Reactor, Pu utilization, Reduction of spent fuel assemblies, Gd2O3-doped UO2 fuel
As one of the studies for advancement of LWR MOX fuel, fuel concepts that can contribute to effective plutonium utilization and reduction of spent fuel assemblies in existing reactors were studied. To contribute to this purpose, candidate fuel concepts with the potential to increase the amount of Pu loading in the assembly for PWRs were devised within the current MOX fuel guidelines, and their characteristics were compared and evaluated. As a result, it was found that a fuel type with Gd2O3-doped UO2 fuel pins installed at the assembly corners to adjust the power peaking in the assembly and the reactivity in the BOC is promising, and their effects on plutonium utilization and spent fuel reduction are reported.