2023 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

V. Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Materials » 505-2 Waste Disposal and Its Environmental Aspects

[2D01-04] Modeling Technology

Thu. Sep 7, 2023 9:30 AM - 10:35 AM Room D (IB Bildg.1F Large Lecture Room)

Chair:Shingo Tanaka(RWMC)

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

[2D01] Analysis of Thermo-Hydro-Chemical (T-H-C) Coupled Processes in Buffer Material Focusing on Montmorillonite Content

*Kohei Ouchi1, Haruo Sato1 (1. Okayama Univ.)

Keywords:Geological disposal, Buffer, Bentonite, Montmorillonite, T-H-C coupled processes

In the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste, the engineered barrier system must maintain its function over a long period of time. In order to develop a unified model for evaluating bentonite type and silica sand mixing ratio in the analysis of Thermo-Hydro-Chemical coupled processes of buffer materials, this study focused on the content of montmorillonite, the main constituent of bentonite. Numerical analysis (difference method) of diffusion equation was used to analyze the evolution of temperature and water distribution in the buffer material. The validity of the distributions was confirmed by comparing to the measured data obtained from in-situ experiments conducted in underground facility of the Horonobe Underground Research Center.