2023 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

III. Fission Energy Engineering » 302-1 Advanced Reactor System

[2H01-05] Molten Salt Reactor 1

Thu. Sep 7, 2023 9:30 AM - 10:55 AM Room H (ES Bildg. 2F ES022)

Chair:Motoyasu Kinoshita(Kyushu Univ.)

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

[2H01] Feasibility Study of Integral Molten Chloride Salt Fast Reactor (III)

(1) Outline of the study

*Michio Yamawaki1, Hiroyasu Mochizuki2, Yoshihisa Tahara2, Koshi Mitachi1, Yoichiro Shimazu1, Yuji Arita3, Tadafumi Koyama4, Tsuyoshi Murakami4, Ken-ichi Fukumoto3, Takuya Goto5 (1. Beyond Energy R&D Association, 2. Tokyo Tech, 3. U. Fukui, 4. CRIEPI, 5. Doshisha U.)

Keywords:Molten Salt Fast Reactor, Generation IV, chloride fuel, inherent safety, TRU incineration, pyrochemical reprocessing

The Integral Molten Salt Fast Reactor (IMSFR) has been proposed, where molten salt chloride fuel is to be used. Researches have been made in terms of nuclear criticality, safety, TRU incineration, thermophysical properties of molten salt fuel, reprocessing of molten salt fuel, corrosion of materials etc.