2023 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

VII. Health Physics and Environmental Science » Health Physics and Environmental Science

[2J01-08] Dose Assessment

Thu. Sep 7, 2023 9:45 AM - 11:55 AM Room J (ES Bildg. 2F ES025)

Chair:Masahiko Machida(JAEA)

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

[2J02] Development of aerial dosimetry system by the scintillator mounted on UAV

*Ryosuke Takamatsu1, Takashi Jintoku1, Naoe Kadota1, Souji Otsuki2, Masaji Takahashi2, HIDEOMI ARAI3 (1. OBAYASHI, 2. MIRAIGIKEN, 3. KIKUCHISEISAKUSHO)

Keywords:UAV, the aerial dosimetry

The aim of this research is to develop the aerial dosimetry system by the scintillator mounted on UAV for the maintenance at the places like Interim Storage Facility by saving labors. In this research, the aerial dosimetry was measured without hovering the UAV. The radiation source whose becquerel is 1MBq is put on the ground surface. We could find the radiation source by setting the flight velocity as 1m/s and the altitude as 3m.